Potato and Kale Hashbrown Fritters


1 1/2 - 2 lbs new potatoes

one medium or large yellow onion

1 bunch of kale, chopped

1/2 cup all-purpose flour

1 large egg

Kosher salt

Black Pepper

1/4  cup canola oil, plus extra for frying

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Shred or grate potatoes in a food processor or with a cheese grater. Place in a large bowl with salted cold water. Let them soak for at least 15 minutes, and up to an hour. Slice the onion into thin strips, and finely chop the kale. Drain the potatoes well, or spread out on a clean cloth and pat dry. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl.

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Coat the bottom of a heavy skillet in about 1/4 inch of oil and heat on medium-high heat, but do not let it smoke. Add spoonfuls of the potato mixture to the hot oil and fry on both sides until golden brown. Place on absorbent paper towel to cool.

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Garnish with pickled banana peppers and Salmorejo, Tomato and Sweet Pepper Ketchup, or Sweet Pepper Sauce:

Sweet Pepper Sauce:

1 Cup of oven roasted sweet peppers and onions*

Juice from 1/2 lemon or lime

1/4 cup canola or light olive oil

1/2 tsp paprika or smoked paprika

Salt to taste


Puree all ingredients in a blender or food processor until smooth and thick.  Add a little water if necessary.

*To make the roasted peppers and onions, remove stems and seeds from sweet peppers, then slice.  Toss together with sliced yellow onion, a little oil and season with salt. Bake at 375 degrees until the peppers and onions have browned on the tips.

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