Caramelized Cabbage and Onions


There are many uses for caramelized vegetables.  This recipe is more of a simple preparation method for having a tasty base for sandwiches, soups, and side dishes.  Caramelizing cabbage, onions, and other vegetables, is a simple method of slowly cooking them with a pinch of salt and a little oil until the natural sugars are released and cooked to a golden-brown caramel.  The cabbage and onions are delicious as a side dish, but there's no need to stop there.  Try it on a pizza, a grilled cheese sandwich, or add broth, garlic and leaf celery to make a simple cabbage soup.


1 Head of green or red cabbage

2-4 Yellow onions

1/4 Cup of olive or canola oil

1/4 - 1/2 Tsp kosher salt



Slice the cabbage and onions thinly and place them in a large, heavy-bottomed skillet with the oil.  Cook on medium-low heat until they begin to sweat, stirring occasionally.  Add the salt and continue to cook for about 45 minutes to 1 hour, stirring occasionally so that the cabbage and onions don't stick to the pan. Taste periodically.  They will be done when they have turned a nice golden-brown color and have a soft texture and sweet flavor.